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TimeTune - Schedule Planner (Premium Unlocked) mod for android

TimeTune - Schedule Planner is a Productivity App for Android developed by TimeTune Studio. Download the latest version (4.4.1) of the apk here, in Apks Mods released Sep 9, 2022

TimeTune - Schedule Planner (Premium Unlocked) has been downloaded 5,000,000+ since Sep 9, 2022. Is Free and the file size is 4.81 MB. Offers in app purchases, users rated it with 4.2/5 stars with over 86992 ratings.

Plan Your Schedule, Get Things Done, Improve Your Routine & Save Time

Doing more things with your time. Increasing your productivity. Improving your daily routine.

This is what you can achieve with TimeTune, your time blocking and schedule planner.


TimeTune is a time blocking and daily planner application. We designed it to help you make better use of your time, increase your productivity and achieve your goals.

Have you ever wondered why some people can get plenty of things done in a single day while your time slips through your fingers?

The answer is that they have a very organized distribution of time. They know time is a precious resource and they have strong time management habits. That’s what allows them to focus, seize the day and do everything in their agenda.

With TimeTune you can do the same.


TimeTune uses time blocks to build your schedule. Just add time blocks to your day or use time blocks to build templates that can be reused at any time, like a morning routine, a full day template or a timetable.

The template calendar feature allows you to plan your upcoming schedule, routines, timetables or shift work calendar automatically.

TimeTune will show you automatic statistics that will uncover where the time goes and where you can improve.

Also, you can add custom reminders to your time blocks, so you don’t forget about your agenda: reminders with custom vibrations, reminders with custom sounds, voice reminders, etc.

With TimeTune you can create a time management system as simple or as complex as you need, including statistics. This time blocking and daily schedule planner will allow you to reach your goals and is the perfect complement to your calendar.


Time blocking is a scheduling method that divides your day into smaller segments of time for specific tasks. When you add statistics to the formula, you get the perfect system to optimize your productivity and become a master of your time.

Time blocking allows you to focus on the task at hand, avoiding distractions and procrastination. It has been proven to increase focus, motivation and productivity.

As Cal Newport, author of “Deep Work” and assistant professor of computer science at Georgetown University states:

“Time blocking generates a massive amount of productivity. A 40-hour time-blocked work week produces the same amount of output as a 60+ hour work week without structure.”

It’s no wonder high achievers like Benjamin Franklin, Elon Musk, Bill Gates and many others embraced this planning method.

Also, for people with ADHD, time blocking might be the best single approach to tackle their tasks and avoid anxiety. If you have ADHD, TimeTune allows you to plan your day, focus on your tasks, improve your daily routine and see where the time went.


With TimeTune you can:

★ Increase your focus, motivation and productivity.
★ Do everything in your agenda and accomplish your goals.
★ Improve your time management habits.
★ Schedule your morning routine or daily routine with templates.
★ Set timetables or student calendars with templates.
★ Set your shift work calendar with templates.
★ Use the app as your daily planner, weekly planner or routine planner.
★ Declutter your calendar by removing routine tasks from it.
★ Analyze your time with statistics.
★ Use custom reminders for additional motivation.
★ Free up time for yourself and your family.
★ Organize your life and achieve a better work/life balance.
★ Avoid anxiety and burnout.
★ Get things done if you have ADHD.


If you would like to do more things with your time and achieve your goals, TimeTune is for you.

Additionally, many users with ADHD tell us that TimeTune helps them a lot with their schedule and they use the app as their ADHD and routine planner. So if you have ADHD, give TimeTune a try and let us know what you think.

Help us translate 🧡 https://crowdin.com/project/timetune
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Detailed Information:

Productivity Android Application

Updated Size Installs
Sep 9, 2022 4.81 MB 5,000,000+
Version Rating Ads
5.0 PEGI 3 Contains ads
Price In-App Purchase
Free Yes
Version Release Changes
4.4.1 4.5
👉 Adapted to Android 13
👉 New monochrome icon for Android 13
👉 Now you can sort tags by name or color (Tags / top menu / Sort by)
👉 Now you can search blocks by description, besides tag or name (Blocks / top menu / Search)
👉 Sounds are played now through notification categories instead of being played like audio media
👉 Migration to single activity architecture
👉 Ukrainian translation
👉 Bug fixes
Developer Category
TimeTune Studio Productivity