Bridge Race is a Casual App for Android developed by Supersonic Studios LTD.
Download the latest version (2.912) of the apk here, in Apks Mods released September 5, 2022
Bridge Race (Unlimited Money) has been downloaded 50,000,000+ since September 5, 2022. Is Free and the file size is 179.89 MB. Offers in app purchases, users rated it with 3.4/5 stars with over 449731 ratings.
Build bridges till the winning stage!
Collect logs of your own color, place them on a bridge of your choice. Don't let others build on your bridge!
Everyone (Content is generally suitable for all ages. May contain minimal cartoon, fantasy or mild violence and/or infrequent use of mild language.)
Contains ads
In-App Purchase
Version Release
- Each Level, there is a different stage now! - 35 brand new stages added with sliders & ladders & trampolines & elevators! - Translations to 19 languages have been optimized & corrected now. - Brand new bundles page in the main menu! (Check "NO ADS" button on Start Screen) - Don't forget to check the fantasy characters in shop: Magicians, Superheroes, Gothic characters & the King await you there! - Starting Power-Up is with 5 more blocks to give you a better boost now! (+10 blocks)