Stupid Zombies 2 is a Casual App for Android developed by GameResort.
Download the latest version (1.7.3) of the apk here, in Apks Mods released July 16, 2022
Stupid Zombies 2 (Unlocked) has been downloaded 10,000,000+ since July 16, 2022. Is Free and the file size is 68.98 MB. Offers in app purchases, users rated it with 4.3/5 stars with over 301076 ratings.
The undead return with new exciting brainless creatures, weapons, and puzzles!
What's a good zombie story without an epic sequel?
The undead return in this new, jam-packed release with exciting, brainless creatures, weapons, puzzles, moody environments all wrapped up in a slick, player-friendly package. They say you can’t kill what is already dead, but it can’t hurt to make a splash by shooting in their general direction.
It is just you vs zombies, so make sure to stop the endless angry hordes before you run out of bullets.
Funtastic gameplay, now even better! Now with 600 levels. Choose between a male and female hero character.