Princess Makeup Salon is a Casual App for Android developed by Tap Happy.
Download the latest version (7.3.5035) of the apk here, in Apks Mods released February 27, 2021
Princess Makeup Salon Apk & Mod has been downloaded 10,000,000+ since February 27, 2021. Is Free and the file size is 40.24 MB. does not offer in app purchases, users rated it with 4.2/5 stars with over 229070 ratings.
Princess Makeup Salon - Girls games
Princess Makeup Salon is a Free girls makeup game!
Beautiful Princess is a fashion idol like usual. This time, you are the fashion maker! Dress the girl from head to toe in Fashion Salon!
We have added some items to provide more smoother gaming experience. And if you have any problems, please leave us your precious feedback! Thank you for your supporting!