Fart sound pranks is a Casual App for Android developed by AMDROID.
Download the latest version (Fart v30) of the apk here, in Apks Mods released February 27, 2021
Fart sound pranks apk + mod + data has been downloaded 50,000,000+ since February 27, 2021. Is Free and the file size is 4.56 MB. does not offer in app purchases, users rated it with 4.2/5 stars with over 285532 ratings.
Make this joke to your friends, before you are a victim
This application is perfect to spend a good time with friends. It is designed to entertain children and adolescents experience different and fun making fart sounds, will be capable of sounding fart jokes from his cell and create hilarious situations.
Using "Joke: Sounds fart" is quite simple: select an option from the main menu and follow instructions with audio and real images, which can simulate a fart of someone close.
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