Tiny Flashlight + LED is a Tools App for Android developed by Nikolay Ananiev.
Download the latest version (5.4.1) of the apk here, in Apks Mods released February 27, 2021
Tiny Flashlight + LED Unlocked has been downloaded 100,000,000+ since February 27, 2021. Is Free and the file size is 3.4 MB. does not offer in app purchases, users rated it with 4.5/5 stars with over 4263399 ratings.
Free flashlight app. Uses the camera LED / flash / screen as a torch.
Tiny Flashlight + LED is a simple, free, flashlight app with LED light and several screen modes. Free plugins like the Strobe, Morse, and Blinking lights make this flashlight one of the best productivity tools for your device.
Try the best flashlight on the market! - Free - Insanely bright, when using the LED flashlight - Always available when you need it - this is the most optimized and reliable flashlight app designed to preserve your battery life while operating. - Be prepared for emergency situations with additional plugins like the Warning lights and Strobe, Morse, Blinking lights.