Criminal Case: Save the World! screenshot 1Criminal Case: Save the World! screenshot 2Criminal Case: Save the World! screenshot 3Criminal Case: Save the World! screenshot 4Criminal Case: Save the World! screenshot 5Criminal Case: Save the World! screenshot 6Criminal Case: Save the World! screenshot 7Criminal Case: Save the World! screenshot 8

Criminal Case: Save the World! apk & mod para android

Resolva crimes em todo o mundo neste emocionante jogo de investigação.

Calling all aspiring detectives! Criminal Case: Save the World! whisks you away on a thrilling crime-solving adventure across the globe. In this captivating hidden-object game, you'll join an elite team of investigators to unravel a series of murders and bring the perpetrators to justice.

Embark on a global investigation: From the bustling streets of Paris to the exotic locales of Tokyo, your detective skills will be put to the test as you scour crime scenes for clues, analyze evidence, and interrogate suspects.

Uncover hidden clues: Each crime scene presents a unique puzzle to solve. Use your sharp eye to uncover hidden objects, analyze forensic evidence, and piece together the puzzle to identify the killer.

Face cunning suspects: Interrogate witnesses and suspects, sifting through their alibis and motives to unmask the true culprit. Question their stories, analyze their behavior, and use your deductive reasoning to expose the truth.

Bring justice to the world: As you solve each case, you'll inch closer to apprehending the mastermind behind these heinous crimes. Use your skills and determination to ensure justice prevails and restore peace to the world.

Criminal Case: Save the World! offers an immersive and captivating experience for anyone who enjoys a good mystery. With its stunning visuals, engaging storyline, and challenging puzzles, this game will keep you hooked from start to finish.

Download Criminal Case: Save the World! today and embark on a thrilling journey to solve crimes and bring justice to the world!

Additional notes:

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Informações detalhadas:

Aventura Android Aplicação

Atualizado Tamanho Instalações
16 de novembro de 2020 74.58 MB 5.000.000+
Versão Classificação Anúncios
4.1 ou superior Não recomendado para menores de 13 anos (Violência, Sangue) Contains ads
Preço Compra In-App
Free Yes
Versão Release
Desenvolvedor Categoria
Pretty Simple Aventura
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