Flughafen Abenteuer 2 screenshot 1Flughafen Abenteuer 2 screenshot 2Flughafen Abenteuer 2 screenshot 3Flughafen Abenteuer 2 screenshot 4Flughafen Abenteuer 2 screenshot 5Flughafen Abenteuer 2 screenshot 6Flughafen Abenteuer 2 screenshot 7Flughafen Abenteuer 2 screenshot 8

Flughafen Abenteuer 2 mod + data für android

Fliege durch den Himmel und erlebe lustige Abenteuer in verschiedenen Flugzeugen in diesem aufregenden Spiel!

Airport Adventure 2 is a popular learning app for toddlers that combines the excitement of air travel with educational elements. Developed by Hippo Kids Games, this app offers children a fun and interactive way to learn about airports, travel, and problem-solving.

Packing for Adventure:

The game starts with Hippo, the main character, winning a trip for his family. Players help Hippo and his family pack their bags for their exciting journey. This activity encourages children to recognize different items and their functions, while also developing hand-eye coordination.

Airport Adventures:

Next, the family arrives at the airport, where they encounter various scenarios that teach kids about airport procedures. Children will learn how to go through security checks, board a plane, and find their luggage on the baggage claim. These activities help children understand airport routines and build confidence in navigating new environments.

Engaging Gameplay:

Airport Adventure 2 incorporates various engaging elements to keep children entertained while they learn. The game features colorful graphics, catchy music, and fun characters that make the learning process enjoyable. Additionally, the game includes interactive puzzles and mini-games that test children's cognitive skills and problem-solving abilities.

Educational Benefits:

While playing Airport Adventure 2, children develop valuable skills such as:


Airport Adventure 2 is a well-designed educational app that combines fun and learning in an engaging way. The app provides children with a safe and interactive environment to explore the world of air travel while developing essential cognitive skills. With its colorful visuals, interactive gameplay, and educational elements, Airport Adventure 2 is an excellent choice for parents looking for a fun and enriching game for their children.

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Detaillierte Informationen:

Lernspiele Android Anwendung

Aktualisiert Größe Installiert
4. Dezember 2020 67.3 MB 1.000.000+
Version Bewertung Anzeigen
4.4 oder höher Alle Stufen Contains ads
Preis In-App Einkauf
Free Yes
Entwickler Kategorie
Hippo Kids Games Lernspiele
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